Large-Format Lens Specifications

The following list of view camera lenses was prepared to compare older lenses which may be available on the used market. There are numerous blank values in the table for which no data was available. For recent designs and prices, contact the major manufacturers.

The prices were those given in the source lists, and different source lists are differentiated by a numeral under "YR" (year). This information was included only to give an indication of when a lens might have been the current model. The lenses are in Copal shutters, with perhaps 2 or 3 exceptions.

The image circle coverage is usually when stopped down to f/22. In some instances, copy lenses coverage at 1:1 was divided by 2 to estimate a value for infinity focus.

Under "YR", information for #1 is from "The Photography Catalog" by Norman Snyder (1976); #2 is a list published in Petersen's in 1984 (list prices); #3 is from the 1991 Calumet catalog (Calumet prices); #4 is from the 1991 Sinar Bron catalog (Sinar prices).

Feel free to distribute and update the list... One can't copyright a list of specs (no creativity is demonstrated) and none is claimed.

There are duplicate entries from different sources, which I decided to leave in the list. If someone has additional information, I'll try to add it if you contact me.

Author: Michael Gudzinowicz

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Focal Length 47-65mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
SchneiderSuper Angulon8/4 47 5.6 123 x 810 3
Schneider Super Angulon MC 8/4 47 5.6 123 52 807 2
Nikkor SW 7/4 65 4.0 170 x 870 3
Nikkor SW 7/4 65 4.0 170 71 1103 2
Rodenstock Grandagon 8/4 65 4.5 170 x 1060 3
Rodenstock Grandagon 8/4 65 4.5 170 72 1220 2
Sinar Sinaron W x 65 4.5 170 x 1283 4
Fujinon SWD x 65 5.6 172 x 749 1
Fujinon SWDS 8/6 65 5.6 169 73 1115 2
Schneider Super Angulon x 65 5.6 170 x 826 1
Schneider Super Angulon 8/4 65 5.6 170 x 950 3
Schneider Super Angulon MC 8/4 65 5.6 170 73 1118 2
x Acugon x 65 8.0 155 x 360 1
Calumet Caltar WII x 65 8.0 155 x 300 1
Fujinon SW x 65 8.0 155 x 379 1
Schneider Super Angulon x 65 8.0 155 x 558 1

Focal Length 75-80mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Nikkor SW 7/4 75 4.5 200 x 990 3
Nikkor SW 7/4 75 4.5 200 82 1258 2
Rodenstock Grandagon 8/4 75 4.5 195 x 1169 3
Rodenstock Grandagon 8/4 75 4.5 195 83 1470 2
Rodenstock Grandagon x 75 4.5 200 x 1003 1
Sinar Sinaron W x 75 4.5 195 x 1398 4
Fujinon SWD x 75 5.6 200 x 825 1
Fujinon SWDS 8/6 75 5.6 196 85 1215 2
Schneider Super Angulon x 75 5.6 198 x 941 1
Schneider Super Angulon 8/4 75 5.6 198 x 1060 3
Schneider Super Angulon 8/4 75 5.6 198 85 1264 2
Rodenstock Grandagon 6/4 75 6.8 187 x 745 3
Rodenstock Grandagon 6/4 75 6.8 187 79 880 2
Sinar Sinaron W x 75 6.8 187 x 914 4
Fujinon SW x 75 8.0 161 x 379 1
Schneider Super Angulon x 75 8.0 181 x 578 1
Schneider Xenotar 5/4 80 2.8 98 73 811 2

Focal Length 90mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Nikkor SW 7/4 90 4.5 235 x 1070 3
Nikkor SW 7/4 90 4.5 235 97 1458 2
Rodenstock Grandagon 8/4 90 4.5 236 x 1359 3
Rodenstock Grandagon 8/4 90 4.5 236 100 x 2
Rodenstock Grandagon x 90 4.5 240 x 1152 1
Sinar Sinaron W x 90 4.5 236 x 1603 4
Calumet Caltar HR 7/4 90 5.6 235 x 550 2
Fujinon SWD x 90 5.6 238 x 337 1
Fujinon SWDS 8/6 90 5.6 236 103 1408 2
Schneider Super Angulon x 90 5.6 235 x 1090 1
Schneider Super Angulon 8/4 90 5.6 235 x 1129 3
Schneider Super Angulon MC 8/4 90 5.6 235 103 1483 2
Calumet Caltar II 6/4 90 6.8 221 x 400 2
Rodenstock Grandagon 6/4 90 6.8 221 x 830 3
Rodenstock Grandagon 6/4 90 6.8 221 94 x 2
Sinar Sinaron W x 90 6.8 221 x 1002 4
x Acugon x 90 8.0 219 x 420 1
Calumet Caltar HR 4/4 90 8.0 170 x 300 2
Calumet Caltar WII x 90 8.0 215 x 300 1
Fujinon NSWS 6/6 90 8.0 216 99 708 2
Fujinon SW x 90 8.0 216 x 884 1
Goertz Wide Angle Dagor x 90 8.0 156 x 250 1
Nikkor SW 8/4 90 8.0 235 x 680 3
Nikkor SW 8/4 90 8.0 235 97 746 2
Rodenstock Geronar WA 4/4 90 8.0 170 87 550 2
Schneider Super Angulon x 90 8.0 210 x 621 1
Schneider Super Angulon 6/4 90 8.0 216 x 760 3
Schneider Super Angulon 6/4 90 8.0 216 99 779 2

Focal Length 100-105mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Schneider Xenotar 5/4 100 2.8 117 95 1049 2
Schneider Xenar 4/3 100 3.5 117 96 x 2
Nikkor W 6/4 100 5.6 153 99 504 2
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 100 5.6 147 x 430 3
Schneider Apo Symmar 6/4 100 5.6 145 x 490 3
Schneider Symmar S 6/4 100 5.6 143 96 439 2
Kodak Wide Field Ektar x 100 6.3 183 x 120 1
Fujinon NWS 6/6 105 5.6 162 100 583 2
Nikkor W 6/4 105 5.6 153 x 410 3
Fujinon NSWS 6/6 105 8.0 250 116 1264 2
Fujinon SW x 105 8.0 250 x 764 1

Focal Length 111-125mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Goertz Wide Angle Dagor x 111 8.0 186 x 250 1
Rodenstock Grandagon 6/4 115 6.8 291 x 1349 3
Sinar Sinaron W x 115 6.8 291 x 1595 4
Nikkor AM 8/4 120 5.6 125 x 860 3
Schneider Apo Symmar 6/4 120 5.6 179 x 520 3
Schneider Macro Symmar HM 8/4 120 5.6 250 x 970 3
Schneider Super Symmar HM 8/6 120 5.6 211 x 950 3
Schneider Symmar S 6/4 120 5.6 173 118 600 2
Schneider Angulon x 120 6.8 211 x 340 1
Fujinon SW x 120 8.0 290 x 410 1
Nikkor SW 8/4 120 8.0 312 x 910 3
Nikkor SW 8/4 120 8.0 312 131 1207 2
Schneider Super Angulon 6/4 120 8.0 288 x 1089 3
Schneider Super Angulon MC 8/4 120 8.0 288 133 1333 2
Schneider Super Angulon x 121 8.0 290 x 1062 1
Fujinon NWS 6/6 125 5.6 198 120 583 2
Fujinon NSWS 6/6 125 8.0 290 139 1325 2

Focal Length 135mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
x Astragon 6/2 135 4.5 152 135 178 2
Calumet Caltar II 6/4 135 5.6 200 x 240 2
Calumet Caltar S x 135 5.6 189 x 180 1
Calumet Caltar SII x 135 5.6 189 x 199 1
Fujinon NWS 6/6 135 5.6 206 128 481 2
Fujinon W x 135 5.6 228 x 339 1
Nikkor W 6/4 135 5.6 200 x 450 3
Nikkor W 6/4 135 5.6 206 128 481 2
Rodenstock Sironar x 135 5.6 175 x 377 1
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 135 5.6 188 x 470 3
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 135 5.6 200 130 535 2
Schneider Apo Symmar 6/4 135 5.6 195 x 520 3
Schneider Symmar x 135 5.6 190 x 395 1
Schneider Symmar S 6/4 135 5.6 190 129 448 2
Sinar Sinaron S x 135 5.6 200 x 593 4
Kodak Wide Field Ektar x 135 6.3 229 x 225 1

Focal Length 150mm-155mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Schneider Xenar 4/3 150 4.5 180 142 x 2
Calumet Caltar HR 6/4 150 5.6 210 x 220 2
Calumet Caltar II 6/4 150 5.6 214 x 230 2
Calumet Caltar S x 150 5.6 210 x 180 1
Calumet Caltar SII x 150 5.6 210 x 200 1
Fujinon NWS 6/6 150 5.6 224 143 492 2
Fujinon W x 150 5.6 245 x 357 1
Nikkor W 6/4 150 5.6 210 x 450 3
Nikkor W 6/4 150 5.6 210 149 519 2
Rodenstock Apo Sironar 7/5 150 5.6 252 x 1009 3
Rodenstock Sironar x 150 5.6 193 x 419 1
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 150 5.6 208 x 500 3
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 150 5.6 214 142 550 2
Schneider Apo Symmar 6/4 150 5.6 220 x 515 3
Schneider Super Symmar HM 8/6 150 5.6 254 x 1370 3
Schneider Symmar x 150 5.6 210 x 427 1
Schneider Symmar S 6/4 150 5.6 210 143 468 2
Schneider Xenar 4/3 150 5.6 173 142 267 2
Sinar Sinaron S x 150 5.6 214 x 630 4
Sinar Sinaron WS x 150 5.6 252 x 1203 4
x Acuton x 150 6.3 209 x 400 1
Computar Symmetrigon 4/4 150 6.3 218 x 429 2
Rodenstock Geronar 3/3 150 6.3 180 137 325 2
Goertz Gold Dot Dagor x 150 6.8 210 x 610 1
Goertz Golden Dagor x 150 6.8 210 x 400 1
Nikkor SW 8/4 150 8.0 400 x 1760 3
Nikkor SW 8/4 150 8.0 400 166 1995 2
Computar F9 6/4 150 9.0 218 x 399 2
Rodenstock Apo Ronar 4/4 150 9.0 135 x 640 3
Schneider G Claron 6/4 150 9.0 189 x 400 3
Schneider G Claron 6/4 150 9.0 192 151 348 2
Sinar APO Sinaron x 150 9.0 135 x 763 4
Kodak Ektar x 152 4.5 182 x 225 1
Rodenstock Grandagon 6/4 155 6.8 369 x 3029 3
Sinar Sinaron W x 155 6.8 382 x 3511 4

Focal Length 165mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
x Acutar x 165 6.3 163 x 228 1
Calumet Caltar x 165 6.3 206 x 125 1
Goertz Wide Angle Dagor x 165 8.0 289 x 250 1
Schneider Super Angulon x 165 8.0 390 x 2395 1
Schneider Super Angulon 6/4 165 8.0 395 x 2679 3
Schneider Super Angulon MC 8/4 165 8.0 395 181 3289 2

Focal Length 180mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
x Astragon 6/2 180 4.5 159 180 373 2
x Acuton x 180 4.8 252 x 315 1
Calumet Caltar HR 6/4 180 5.6 230 x 290 2
Fujinon NWS 6/6 180 5.6 280 180 617 2
Fujinon SFS 3/3 180 5.6 200 176 832 2
Fujinon W x 180 5.6 305 x 419 1
Nikkor W 6/4 180 5.6 253 x 510 3
Nikkor W 6/4 180 5.6 253 179 539 2
Rodenstock Sironar x 180 5.6 234 x 515 1
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 180 5.6 252 x 660 3
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 180 5.6 262 174 655 2
Schneider Apo Symmar 6/4 180 5.6 263 x 670 3
Schneider Macro Symmar HM 8/4 180 5.6 250 x 1149 3
Schneider Symmar x 180 5.6 255 x 547 1
Schneider Symmar S MC 6/4 180 5.6 252 171 613 2
Sinar Sinaron S x 180 5.6 262 x 806 4
x Acutar x 180 6.3 219 x 299 1
Computar Symmetrigon 4/4 180 6.3 262 x 449 2
Fujinon AS 6/4 180 9.0 252 178 748 2

Focal Length 190-215mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Kodak Wide Field Ektar x 190 6.3 318 x 325 1
Rodenstock Imagon 3/2 200 5.8 150 x 1199 3
Rodenstock Grandagon 8/4 200 6.8 495 x 4569 3
Nikkor M 4/3 200 8.0 210 x 490 3
Kodak Ektar x 203 7.7 216 x 425 1
x Astragon 6/2 210 4.5 229 210 493 2
Schneider Xenar 4/3 210 4.5 255 196 x 2
Calumet Caltar HR 6/4 210 5.6 295 x 300 2
Calumet Caltar II 6/4 210 5.6 301 x 330 2
Calumet Caltar SII x 210 5.6 294 x 300 1
Fujinon LS 4/3 210 5.6 240 193 431 2
Fujinon NWS 6/6 210 5.6 300 204 708 2
Fujinon W x 210 5.6 352 x 462 1
Nikkor AM 8/4 210 5.6 200 x 1530 3
Nikkor W 6/4 210 5.6 295 x 550 3
Nikkor W 6/4 210 5.6 295 209 774 2
Rodenstock Apo Sironar 7/5 210 5.6 352 x 1579 3
Rodenstock Macro Sironar 6/4 210 5.6 267 x 1439 3
Rodenstock Sironar x 210 5.6 266 x 598 1
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 210 5.6 286 x 675 2
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 210 5.6 286 x 730 3
Schneider Apo Symmar 6/4 210 5.6 305 x 730 3
Schneider Super Symmar HM 8/6 210 5.6 356 x 2095 3
Schneider Symmar x 210 5.6 297 x 637 1
Schneider Symmar S 6/4 210 5.6 294 201 682 2
Sinar Macro Sinaron x 210 5.6 350 x 1694 4
Sinar Sinaron S x 210 5.6 310 x 889 4
Sinar Sinaron WS x 210 5.6 352 x 1852 4
Schneider Xenar 4/3 210 6.1 249 206 439 2
x Acutar x 210 6.3 240 x 444 1
Computar Symmetrigon 4/4 210 6.3 308 x 469 2
Kodak Commercial Ektar x 210 6.3 270 x 475 1
Calumet Caltar HR 3/3 210 6.8 230 x 200 2
Goertz Gold Dot Dagor x 210 6.8 294 x 700 1
Rodenstock Geronar 3/3 210 6.8 230 195 425 2
Schneider Angulon x 210 6.8 362 x 340 1
Schneider Super Angulon 6/4 210 8.0 500 x 4395 3
Schneider Super Angulon 6/4 210 8.0 500 231 6163 2
Computar F9 6/4 210 9.0 325 192 425 2
Goertz Red Dot Artar x 210 9.0 153 x 830 1
Schneider G Claron 6/4 210 9.0 260 x 570 3
Schneider G Claron 6/4 210 9.0 260 205 447 2
Calumet Caltar S x 215 5.6 301 x 220 1
x Acuton x 215 6.3 305 x 360 1

Focal Length 240mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Calumet Caltar II 6/4 240 5.6 350 x 650 2
Calumet Caltar S x 240 5.6 336 x 449 1
Calumet Caltar SII x 240 5.6 336 x 500 1
Nikkor W 6/4 240 5.6 336 x 950 3
Nikkor W 6/4 240 5.6 336 227 1184 2
Rodenstock Sironar x 240 5.6 298 x 923 1
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 240 5.6 337 x 1199 3
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 240 5.6 350 231 1350 2
Schneider Apo Symmar 6/4 240 5.6 352 x 1279 3
Schneider Symmar x 240 5.6 336 x 990 1
Schneider Symmar S MC 6/4 240 5.6 337 229 1273 2
Sinar Sinaron S x 240 5.6 350 x 1429 4
Goertz Gold Dot Dagor x 240 6.8 336 x 860 1
Goertz Golden Dagor x 240 6.8 340 x 650 1
Computar F9 6/4 240 9.0 372 220 539 2
Fujinon AS 6/4 240 9.0 336 240 750 2
Rodenstock Apo Ronar 4/4 240 9.0 212 x 825 3
Rodenstock Apo Ronar 4/4 240 9.0 212 235 780 2
Schneider G Claron 6/4 240 9.0 298 x 610 3
Schneider G Claron 6/4 240 9.0 299 236 501 2
Sinar APO Sinaron x 240 9.0 212 x 1003 4

Focal Length 250mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
x Astragon 6/2 250 4.5 203 250 520 2
Fujinon SFS 3/3 250 5.6 300 258 875 2
Schneider Tele Arton 5/5 250 5.6 158 x 1169 3
Schneider Tele Arton 5/5 250 5.6 158 207 1475 2
Rodenstock Imagon 3/2 250 5.8 180 x 1249 3
Kodak Wide Field Ektar x 250 6.3 422 x 550 1
Fujinon W x 250 6.8 398 x 510 1
Fujinon WS 6/4 250 6.8 398 246 1042 2
Kodak Commercial Ektar x 254 6.3 317 x 475 1

Focal Length 270mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Nikkor T ED 5/4 270 6.3 160 x 1199 3
Nikkor T ED 5/4 270 6.3 160 188 x 2
Goertz Gold Dot Dagor x 270 6.8 382 x 800 1
Goertz Golden Dagor x 270 6.8 378 x 1000 1
Computar F9 6/4 270 9.0 418 249 665 2
Schneider G Claron 6/4 270 9.0 334 265 591 2
Schneider G Claron 6/4 270 9.0 335 x 790 3
Goertz Red Dot Artar x 270 9.5 231 x 680 1

Focal Length 300mm-305mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Calumet Caltar II 6/4 300 5.6 425 x 900 2
Calumet Caltar S x 300 5.6 420 x 600 1
Calumet Caltar SII x 300 5.6 420 x 700 1
Fujinon W x 300 5.6 420 x 860 1
Nikkor W 6/4 300 5.6 420 x 1260 3
Nikkor W 6/4 300 5.6 420 287 1521 2
Rodenstock Apo Sironar 7/5 300 5.6 490 x 3359 3
Rodenstock Macro Sironar 6/4 300 5.6 275 x 2895 3
Rodenstock Sironar x 300 5.6 384 x 1251 1
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 300 5.6 407 x 1639 3
Schneider Apo Symmar 6/4 300 5.6 425 x 1699 3
Schneider Symmar x 300 5.6 402 x 1388 1
Schneider Symmar S MC 6/4 300 5.6 411 280 1705 2
Schneider Xenar 4/3 300 5.6 347 290 823 2
Sinar Macro Sinaron x 300 5.6 360 x 3342 4
Sinar Sinaron S x 300 5.6 425 x 1925 4
Sinar Sinaron WS x 300 5.6 x x 3956 4
x Acutar x 300 6.3 325 x 480 1
Rodenstock Imagon 3/2 300 6.8 220 x 1369 3
Fujinon TS 5/5 300 8.0 213 199 992 2
Fujinon AS 6/4 300 9.0 420 299 1108 2
Nikkor M 4/3 300 9.0 325 x 570 3
Nikkor M 4/3 300 9.0 325 294 663 2
Rodenstock Apo Ronar 4/4 300 9.0 264 x 960 3
Rodenstock Apo Ronar 4/4 300 9.0 264 296 945 2
Rodenstock Geronar 3/3 300 9.0 340 282 550 2
Sinar APO Sinaron x 300 9.0 264 x 1152 4
Kodak Commercial Ektar x 305 6.3 380 x 450 1
Goertz Golden Dagor x 305 6.8 427 x 750 1
Computar F9 6/4 305 9.0 482 282 695 2
Schneider G Claron 6/4 305 9.0 381 x 790 3
Schneider G Claron 6/4 305 9.0 381 302 643 2

Focal Length 355mm-375mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Kodak Commercial Ektar x 355 6.3 444 x 450 1
Goertz Red Dot Artar x 355 9.0 302 x 820 1
Schneider G Claron 6/4 355 9.0 442 350 1022 2
Schneider G Claron 6/4 355 9.0 444 x 1249 3
Schneider Tele Xenar 4/2 360 5.5 230 x 1139 3
Schneider Tele Xenar 4/2 360 5.5 230 210 1295 2
Nikkor W 6/4 360 5.6 494 x 1399 3
Schneider Symmar x 360 5.6 500 x 1671 1
Fujinon W x 360 6.3 485 x 995 1
Calumet Caltar II 6/4 360 6.8 435 x 1000 2
Calumet Caltar SII x 360 6.8 500 x 800 1
Rodenstock Sironar x 360 6.8 415 x 1450 1
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 360 6.8 435 x 1849 3
Schneider Apo Symmar 6/4 360 6.8 491 x 1899 3
Schneider Symmar S MC 6/4 360 6.8 491 336 1985 2
Sinar Sinaron S x 360 6.8 435 x 2168 4
Nikkor T ED 5/4 360 8.0 154 261 x 2
Nikkor T ED 5/4 360 8.0 210 x 1549 3
Rodenstock Apo Ronar x 360 9.0 308 x 921 1
Rodenstock Apo Ronar 4/4 360 9.0 318 x 1339 3
Rodenstock Apo Ronar 4/4 360 9.0 318 351 1290 2
Schneider Apo Artar 4/4 360 9.0 302 350 x 2
Sinar APO Sinaron x 360 9.0 318 x 1581 4
Fujinon AS 6/4 360 10.0 504 359 1475 2
x Acutar x 375 6.3 452 x 522 1
Calumet Caltar x 375 6.3 468 x 290 1

Focal Length 400mm-450m
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Fujinon TS 5/5 400 8.0 220 260 1264 2
Fujinon FS 3/3 420 5.6 500 413 642 2
Nikkor M 4/3 450 9.0 440 x 970 3
Nikkor M 4/3 450 9.0 440 436 1182 2

Focal Length 480mm-800mm
Brand Model Elements/Groups Focal Length Maximum Aperture Image Circle Coverage Film to Flange Distance Price Data Source
Schneider Symmar S MC 6/4 480 6.8 500 455 3289 2
Schneider Apo Symmar 6/4 480 8.0 500 x 2389 3
Rodenstock Sironar N 6/4 480 8.4 500 x 2529 3
Rodenstock Apo Ronar 4/4 480 9.0 396 x 1629 3
Sinar APO Sinaron x 480 9.0 396 x 1915 4
Sinar Sinaron S x 480 9.0 480 x 2933 4
Schneider Apo Artar 4/4 480 11.0 409 477 x 2
Nikkor T ED 6/4 500 11.0 210 x 1595 3
Nikkor T ED 6/5 600 9.0 310 x 1879 3
Sinar APO Sinaron DBM x 600 9.0 496 x 3254 4
Fujinon TS 5/5 600 12.0 260 384 1650 2
Nikkor T ED 7/4 720 16.0 210 x 1729 3
Nikkor T ED 7/5 800 12.0 310 x 1949 3